Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally a New Post!

Sorry, that's it's been so long since my last post. We've been super busy. I can't believe all the stuff we have...I don't think the unpacking is ever going to end. Some things are just going to stay in boxes for a while. That's just it. We've taken out pretty much everything we "need" ie. pots, pans, plates, etc. etc. but we have one bedroom full of boxes. Scrapbooking stuff, my old uniforms, some of my shoes (definitely need to get those out), and other Misc. clothing.

The weather in a day has turned from hot to cold. Not freezing but way too cold for shorts and a t-shirt. I think this is what they call Fall or Autumn. :) We don't really have that in Cali. Haha.

I love it! I can start wearing my fall and winter clothes, which surprisingly I seem to have a lot of. It may be because I use to work in an office that was always FREEZING! I would dress like an eskimo for work but would have to take off my layers to go to lunch. *sigh* I miss my work buddies! And also surprisingly I miss work. I miss bringing in a decent pay check for sure!

Soooooo....what's new with us. We had our first party this past weekend at our house. I made salsa, guacamole, green chicken enchiladas, and I had a little burrito bar. A lot of people came and really appreciated the food. There are no Mexican Ristorante's in Italy...I want to open one near would make a KILLING!! Any investors??? "Karina's Cantina" hahahaha

Todd and I went to Venice too a couple of weeks ago!! It was just for a day but it was Bellisima. We are so going back a million times over. It felt like there is so much to discover their. It's the best place to just get lost in.

Here's some pics from the trip. Enjoy! Ciao Ciao!!

Todd gazing out the window on the train.

First picture, just stepping out of train station.

Rialto Bridge...and NOT Rialto, CA...hahaha!!


Unknown said...

How cute! A burrito bar. You are so creative. Madilyn says she misses her Nino Todd and of course her nina.

Anonymous said...

I'd invest only I don't have money. I like the name though! You are so luck you can cook! I could only have made the guac.