Saturday, September 27, 2008

Quick Story - Funny

So, a few weeks ago Todd and I went to the mall to check it out.  We walked around and found a little pizza place with some ready made pizzas.  I pointed to a pizza that looked like cheese and pineapple.  A hawaiian pizza without the meat...yum!!  Or so I thought.  I took the first bite and it was all cheese.  Then the next bite, I knew I was going to get some yummy pineapple but wasn't pineapple!!!!  It was French Fries!!!! Hahahahahaha!!  I  got a French Fry and cheese pizza!!!  Todd and I were laughing so hard.  Well, you live you learn and you love Italy!!  Ciao!!  Ah prossimo!  (till next time)

Friday, September 26, 2008

My birthday!

So, my birthday was yesterday the 25th and guess what I got.

I told Todd not to get me anything but he bought me a New Laptop!  I am now the proud owner of a MacBook Pro!  Woo Hoo!!!  

I was so excited...I've been wanting to turn Mac for a long time.  

Here are a few of my first pictures that I took using Photo Booth and the built in camera/webcam!  I love it!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Finally a New Post!

Sorry, that's it's been so long since my last post. We've been super busy. I can't believe all the stuff we have...I don't think the unpacking is ever going to end. Some things are just going to stay in boxes for a while. That's just it. We've taken out pretty much everything we "need" ie. pots, pans, plates, etc. etc. but we have one bedroom full of boxes. Scrapbooking stuff, my old uniforms, some of my shoes (definitely need to get those out), and other Misc. clothing.

The weather in a day has turned from hot to cold. Not freezing but way too cold for shorts and a t-shirt. I think this is what they call Fall or Autumn. :) We don't really have that in Cali. Haha.

I love it! I can start wearing my fall and winter clothes, which surprisingly I seem to have a lot of. It may be because I use to work in an office that was always FREEZING! I would dress like an eskimo for work but would have to take off my layers to go to lunch. *sigh* I miss my work buddies! And also surprisingly I miss work. I miss bringing in a decent pay check for sure!

Soooooo....what's new with us. We had our first party this past weekend at our house. I made salsa, guacamole, green chicken enchiladas, and I had a little burrito bar. A lot of people came and really appreciated the food. There are no Mexican Ristorante's in Italy...I want to open one near would make a KILLING!! Any investors??? "Karina's Cantina" hahahaha

Todd and I went to Venice too a couple of weeks ago!! It was just for a day but it was Bellisima. We are so going back a million times over. It felt like there is so much to discover their. It's the best place to just get lost in.

Here's some pics from the trip. Enjoy! Ciao Ciao!!

Todd gazing out the window on the train.

First picture, just stepping out of train station.

Rialto Bridge...and NOT Rialto, CA...hahaha!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So we have a house guest with us from Korea. He's Todd's friend from the Korean Army.

Anyway, he had a tool so I can connect my camera to the computer so here are some pics of our casa and stuff.

Friday, August 1, 2008

More Honeymoon pics!

Our Cool Room on the Big Island with FULL Kitchen. It was great.

Akaka Falls On the Big Island.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Almost Two Months in Italy!

So, it's been almost two months since we've been in Italy and getting settled in is a slow process. We still haven't received our stuff from Fontana like all our wedding gifts, our computer, the big screen, and most of my clothes and nick knacks. I can't wait to get that stuff. I want my new pots and pans and dishes and well...everything. Tee Hee!

One thing that I'm really missing from our stuff that's on its way is my I Love Lucy DVD's! I forgot to take a season with me and they were all packed. :( Luckily I found an old DVD today of the first season that I took to Iraq with me. It was a little scratched but it's working and I'm watching it right now. YAY ME! I was going through Lucy withdraw.

Todd's doing very well with his job, he's the NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge) of News. However, some of the people that are suppose to be in his section are deployed so he is the only one. I guess you could say Todd is "An Air Force of One." He's in charge of himself. He's been pretty busy lately with lots of stories back to back.

Lots of Love,

Karina & Todd

PS: I am going to send out Thank You notes as soon as I can!

Here is a pic of us on our Honeymoon with a lovely Volcano stuff in the background.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's been a MONTH!!

Hi everyone,

It's July 3rd here and this is going to be a short blog.

Yesterday it's been a month since we've been here. YAY! Still not quite settled in, still no internet, and still awaiting the rest of our stuff but we are getting there.

Luckily Todd has a former Supervisor of his that has helped us out a lot. Tracie and her husband Ken are on their way out and they gave us a bunch of, irons, hair dryer, Christmas lights, and lots of other plugs and things that we need here. They took us out to eat a couple weeks ago too. That's where I had the yummy Carbanara. Mmmmm. Bottom line...they ROCK!! I wish they were staying so we could hang out more.

The finance office messed up Todd's pay and didn't give us any of our new not what we needed. We are suppose to get a lot more moolah living here and instead we got less than what we were getting before. It's suppose to be fixed on the 15th. For those of you who don't know, in the military you get paid on the 1st and the 15th of each month. I can't wait for the 15th!

Well we have a BBQ today with Todd's work so that will be fun. I have to go get some cheese for the cheeseburgers so I better get going.

Talk to you all soon!

Lots of Love!!

Karina (& Todd)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Moving IN and Settling IN

Hello All,

Lots of things have been happening since our last post.

First of all, let me say that moving here by no means has been a smooth ride. It is very hard getting settled in here and we've had some bumps on the road. Todd said I made things sound too easy in my last post, so I thought I would start with that.

We moved in to our house a couple of days ago but we don't have any of our stuff yet. We have a temporary bed on loan from the military and it's as hard as a rock. SERIOUSLY!! It doesn't even move when you sit on it.

Anyway, it's about 10am here and I am at the computer lab since I don't have Internet in the house yet. We also don't have hot water yet! Hahaha! We have this big tank outside that is suppose to have gas or "Gasolio" in it for hot water and stuff and we didn't realize when we moved in that it was empty! We though it worked since I could turn on the stove. However, the stove has a separate little tank for Gasolio. The tank is called a bombola.

Today Todd took a shower at work and I went to the base gym and took a shower. I couldn't dry my hair though because my blow dryer doesn't fit in the plugs and it's 110v and they use 220v here. Poo! Thank goodness my hair is shorter now or else it would take a year to dry naturally.

They only fill up that big tank on Mondays so we have to wait until then to take a hot shower in our casa. And then on Tuesday we get our first shipment of our household goods. Luckily it's the big one with our nice BIG SOFT Bed. Yay US!

Once all our furniture gets here I think it will start feeling like home. It doesn't even feel like we are really here just yet. The road to our house is beautiful and you can definitely tell we aren't in Cali anymore but we still aren't all here. Todd has a four day weekend coming soon so I think we may go exploring.

Our landlords are awesome. They are a couple in their 40's or so with some kids. They don't speak any English but the husband speaks a little Spanish so we communicate okay.

I can't wait to learn Italian though so I can really communicate with them...and Todd can't wait to learn Spanish...tee hee.

We won't be getting Internet in our house for a couple weeks so excuse me now if we don't reply right away to emails as we usually do.

Oh guess what! I got a job!!! YAY!!! Nothing major but it's still cool. I'm going to be the Recreation Aid at the Golf Course on base. I'll be working in the Pro Shop and selling drinks on a cart to the golfers. I've been wanting to learn to play golf too so I'm totally stoked.

It's hard for spouses to get jobs here since 80% of the employment here goes to local Italians. It's part of the "deal" for having a base here. I also think many spouses set their standards too high as well. It's true I was making a lot more money in the states than I will be at the golf course but it's all part of being a military spouse. And I'm one happy spouse in ITALY!

Well, I will write more soon!

Miss you all!!

Karina (& Todd)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Our First Blog EVER...and in ITALY!!

Hello Blogging World!

Todd and I (Karina) are so excited to finally be bloggers! We are newlyweds and in the military...well...I am no longer in the military but Todd is. Now, I'm part of another elite group known as an Air Force WIFE. Yay Me!

The Air Force has sent us to beautiful Aviano AB, Italy to start our lives together and we couldn't be happier about it.

We've been here for about 11 days now and mostly we've been doing a lot of paperwork and "In Processing." We found a totally rockin' cool house but can't move in until the 18th. I can't wait! We will have temporary furniture on loan from the Air Force until our household goods arrive, but it just gives me more time to plan where everything should go.

Oh guess what! I totally cut my hair today! Okay, well, I didn' Italian woman at the BX (Base Exchange) did. My hair was half way down my back and now it's shoulder length...just barely touching my shoulders. I LOVE IT! Todd didn't want me to cut my hair but he loves it too.

Well, our blogs will get more exciting later on as we post pictures and travel through Europe. Hope everyone enjoys reading and we will try to blog as much as possible.

Love to All,

Karina & Todd