Sunday, May 19, 2013

No Sleep Til Brooklyn...Half Marathon

Brooklyn Museum - Start of the race!
Yesterday Todd & I ran in our first Half Marathon!  Oh snap!  Talk about feelin' like a boss!  A boss that can barely walk, wobbles down stairs, and contemplates peeing in her pants just to keep from having to get up.  Yeah, that kind of boss! Despite the pain, Todd & I feel really great about our run yesterday. 

 We joined the New York Road Runners in January, by doing so we qualified for the 9 plus 1 program.  If we do 9 runs this year plus volunteer for one event, we have guaranteed entry into the 2014 New York Marathon.  Yesterday's Brooklyn Half marked our 7th run out of the 9!

Medals are a great accessory!

When I joined the NYRR's I had no intention of running a half or full marathon.  I just wanted to run 5Ks, 4 milers and maybe a 10K here and there.  I have to say that races are addictive.  After running my first "long run" yesterday, I want more!  Not only do I want to run more races but I want to get better!  Here's to training, hard work, and sharing good times with my friends and husband!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Veteran Immersion Program

So, obviously I'm not the best at keeping up with this blog business but I'm making a conscious effort to get better.  The past two months I've been very excited about something but was not allowed to discuss it publicly...until NOW!
Jon, at "Attention" receiving his award.  I'm behind the tall dude on the left.  Whoops!
As some of you already know, through the fantastic organization The Mission Continues I was accepted into an eight-week Veterans Immersion Program with the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  What in the world does that mean?

There I am!  Talking up these awesome ladies and crew!
Well, the organization American Corporate Partners approached Jon about mentoring A veteran, but ONE VETERAN wasn't going to cut it for Jon.  He proceeded to develop a program at The Daily Show to give 24 veterans an exclusive opportunity to get an inside look at all the facets and jobs in the entertainment industry.  For the past seven weeks I've participated in Q & A sessions with all the different departments of The Daily Show, from Production to the Writers to the Technical Crew to the Executives at both The Daily Show and Comedy Central.

Giving the girls their Army Swag!
This experience has truly served as a "game changer" for me.  Since moving back to the U.S. and getting out of the Army I struggled with the question of "What do I do now?"  What direction did I want to take my life in?  What career was I passionate for?  In the last four years I deployed to Iraq, worked an on base job, went to school full time and focused my attention on my husbands career and not my own.  Now, its MY time...and I have the best most supportive husband in the world behind me every step of the way.

Got that Daily Show name tape?
Next week is the last week of this program and the staff has organized a Career Fair for us Vets, which include some of New Yorks biggest and best production agencies!

I want to give huge thanks to Jon Stewart and the entire Daily Show Staff!  Special thanks to Elise & Camille, the two Daily Show staffers who where in charge of organizing and managing all of us crazy vets!  You guys rock!

Jon - enjoying my kind really. 
Before my acceptance into this program, I thought I might go into teaching (a wonderful field that I have a great appreciation and admiration for) but I knew that my passion always remained with the entertainment industry.  Anyone who knows me, knows this is true.  I LOVE TV!  I told myself that if they accepted me into this program then I needed to follow my passion with every ounce of energy and drive inside me.
Jon loved the plaques we made him!
And that's just what I plan to do.  Am I a producer right now?  Have I hit the big time?  Not yet...but I'm a work in progress so don't adjust your TV's and stay tuned!

Hope you enjoy these pics from an awards ceremony we organized to thank Jon and the Crew!!

Yeah, somehow I got stuck in the back.  I think I'm taller than I am sometimes.